Press Kit
Here, you'll find the V-Nova press kit, a comprehensive resource designed to provide essential information about V-Nova. The press kit contains details about V-Nova’s directors and their biographies, branding guidelines and high-resolution logos. It serves as a valuable tool for those who are interested in covering V-nova’s story accurately.
The V-Nova press kit is your go-to source for all things related to the brand. Feel free to explore and download the press kit.
V-Nova Branding Guidelines
Primary Colour
RGB (0, 59, 117)
CMYK (46, 23, 0, 54)
The V-Nova logo is provided in a variety of styles and formats to suit different purposes. As a condition of using the logo, the following brand requirements must be adhered to:
Modification: Removal or alteration of any element of the V-Nova logo from the styles provided is prohibited.
Combinations: The V-Nova logo must not be combined with other words, images, or phrases to create a ‘lock-up’.
Secondary Colour
HEX: #c7382d
RGB (199, 56, 45)
CMYK (0, 72, 77, 22)
Colour: Colours in the V-Nova logo must not be altered. Colour and black versions should be used on white backgrounds only. White version on coloured backgrounds.
Size: Scaling of the V-Nova logo shall be done uniformly so that both the aspect ratio and relative dimensions and placement of elements within the logo are preserved.
Typography: Fonts used in the V-Nova logo must not be altered.
Director’s headshots and bios available for download here
Pierdavide Marcolongo
COO and Co-founder