
CSI Magazine Spring 2021: "Improving user experiences with better compression, LCEVC and next-gen codecs come to the fore" - V-Nova

Written by V-Nova | May 25, 2021 1:49:00 PM

CSI Magazine just published their Spring 2021 issue which features a special supplement dedicated to V-Nova’s technology, starting on page 31. The supplement features the following articles:

  • Superior video experience with better compression

“Following MPEG’s recent release of LCEVC verification tests, CSI editor Goran Nastic investigates how LCEVC stands to ease the stress on broadband networks and create transformative user experiences” (p.32)

  • How LCEVC makes high-quality VR immersive video a reality, today

By Guendalina Cobianchi, Business Development & Partnerships, V-Nova (p.36)

  • Bridging the codec divide

“Goran Nastic takes a closer look at MPEG-5 LCEVC (Low Complexity Enhancement Video Coding) integration and royalties. Gaining momentum in a fractured codec landscape, can it also help accelerate the adoption of next-gen codecs?” (p.38)

  • Q&A, An Investor’s viewpoint

“With Federico Faggin, a V-Nova investor and influential figure in Silicon Valley, best known for designing the first commercial microprocessor, the Intel 4004. Here, we get Federico’s thoughts on video codecs and V-Nova’s impact on the market” (p.42)

Make sure to check out the full CSI Magazine Spring 2021 issue here.