
"Why Low Complexity Video Coding is Answer to UHD TV Success" - Rick Clucas - V-Nova

Written by V-Nova | Nov 12, 2021 2:00:00 PM

V-Nova’s own Rick Clucas recently wrote an article for EETimes about LCEVC as an enabler of UHD and how it can reduce bitrate enough for broadcasters to afford to send whole new UHD channels atop their legacy full HD ones.

Ever since regular TV broadcasting began by the BBC from my home town London on 26th August 1936, the broadcast industry and the technology ecosystem around it has been continually striving to improve it and make it look better.  However, in recent years we have failed to upgrade traditional terrestrial broadcasting to ultra-high definition (UHD), with the consequence that most people who have been buying UHD TVs have never watched any actual UHD TV content on them!

The main reason UHD TVs have been a great success for TV manufacturers is because they have the opportunity to sell premium products that for the same screen size actually cost them less to manufacture than a full HD panel. This is because the display production yield for UHD is greater than full HD due to there being four times as many pixels for the same screen size, meaning the allowed percentage of non-defective pixels is much easier to meet.

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