Faultline neatly captures the journey of LCEVC

In the latest issue of Rethink Research’s Faultline, Tommy Flanagan gives a rundown on the V-Nova LCEVC journey so far and what the latest development – certifying SOUTHWORKS as Integration Services Partner – means for the future:

Faultline has long known that LCEVC is positioned as a crossindustry weapon – something to be deployed in areas from aerospace to philanthropy – rather than a technology exclusive only to
the world’s largest video streaming platforms. The arrival of
Southworks on the scene as an integration partner is a reminder
of that message, one which is intrinsically evident in the licensing
terms too.

Read the full article here: It’s not the flavor we expected, but it’s a V-Nova integration nonetheless

V-Nova’s CEO and co-founder Guido Meardi gave little away during a Faultline Podcast interview cameo just two weeks ago...

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