Obioma Okehie on Increasing the Video Compression Throughput on FPGAs with the Help of MPEG-5 Part 2 (LCEVC)

In a new Accelize blogpost, V-Nova’s own Engineering Lead, Obioma Okehie talks about increasing the video compression throughput on FPGAs with the help of MPEG-5 Part 2, low-complexity enhancement video coding (LCEVC).

“LCEVC is an enhancement aimed at improving the compression and computational performance of any given codec. For example, an LCEVC-enabled HEVC UHD encoder can be implemented on a single FPGA device, instead of 4. It does so by leveraging a 1080p real-time HEVC ‘base’ solution and uses the LCEVC enhancement to produce a resolution upgrade to UHD. In effect, this FGPA solution contains two separate codecs working in tandem to produce a real-time UHD HEVC encoder.”

Find out more here: Increasing the Video Compression Throughput on FPGAs: HD to UHD.

Okehie also answered Accelize’s questions about the LCEVC FPGA Core available on the recently launched Xilinx App Store in the following Q&A: Words from Obioma Okehie.

V-Nova’s CEO and co-founder Guido Meardi gave little away during a Faultline Podcast interview cameo just two weeks ago...

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LCEVC LCEVC Overview LCEVC In Depth VC-6 VC-6 Overview VC-6 In Depth Applications OTT Streaming VR & Immersive Social...

LCEVC LCEVC Overview LCEVC In Depth VC-6 VC-6 Overview VC-6 In Depth Applications OTT Streaming VR & Immersive Social...