"Taking the Metaverse to the Next Level with Data Compression" - Guido Meardi for eWeek UK

Guido Meardi wrote the following article published by eWeek UK:

Forget previous attempts at immersive virtual worlds. The metaverse is here and it’s going to wipe the floor with all of them. Or at least that’s the intention. It’s a concept that is on the lips of everyone connected to the technology world, and it’s one to be taken seriously.

In 2021, Facebook put all of its eggs into a Meta-branded basket, signalling a major marketing transformation and commitment to creating its own virtual world.

But what exactly is the metaverse? Essentially, it’s a brand-new type of Internet user interface to interact with other parties and access data as a seamless augmentation with the actual world in front of us. It aims to replicate the 6 Degrees of Freedom (6DoF) and inherent depth witnessed in the real world, as opposed to the flat devices that we typically consume data from.

Read the full piece here:

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