"V-Nova’s LCEVC forms foundations of 6DoF VR breakthrough" - Rethink Research Faultline

In the latest issue of Rethink Research’s Faultline, Tommy Flanagan covers the launch of the PresenZ and V-Nova collaborative 6DoF film (press release here):

V-Nova has returned to action with IBC just a fortnight away (albeit on knife’s edge). The UK video compression vendor is laying claim to a world-first – not one related to LCEVC licensing milestones, nor direct developments with its Perseus technology, but for virtual reality.
The company’s point-cloud compression software has apparently served up the world’s first six degrees of freedom (6DoF) photorealistic movie delivered in the PresenZ volumetric movie format.


By the same token, the migration of LCEVC to VR makes perfect sense. As we know, volumetric media delivery with 6DoF is required for properly immersive experiences, but with the caveat of significant bandwidth consumption, potentially into terabits-per-second. When we started discussing 6DoF around the 2017/2018 timeframe, it was seen as a simply unattainable technology that would take years of compression crunching to bring it to reality.

Read more here

V-Nova’s CEO and co-founder Guido Meardi gave little away during a Faultline Podcast interview cameo just two weeks ago...

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